Nacirema Essay edit


This article describes the bodily behavior of the Nacerima. The Nacerima are a seemingly strange group of people. As the Ethnographer of the article puts it, they are a masochistic group of people. The Nacirema performs rituals that actually seem to harm their bodies, believing that these rituals would cure them. The professional curers, such as the ‘medicine men’, and the ‘holy-mouth-men’ seem to enjoy dinflicting pain upon those

TOEFL Essay #2 edited – Our future on the Cloud


TOEFL Essay Workshop 10a3 김호준, 박민규, 박정원, 황정원

1. Why we chose this essay: The topic was intriguing, and it was written neatly so that it was easy to revise

2. Original Copy:

Our future on the Cloud

  The future of the web lies in the cloud. The Cloud service is a type of on-line service in which people can upload files, and access them from anywhere. Some cloud services allow users to synchronize files with their cloud accounts onto certain folders. More and more people will upload their files into Cloud servers, to collaborate online, to back up critical information, and, of course, to access their files from anywhere, anytime. Such changes are already happening. As time goes on, the cloud will become more closely integrated with the traditional desktop, as well as mobile devices. Already, such changes are happening. The cloud allows people to synchronize, access, and to share their files anywhere, any time, on any device.
The Cloud allows a person to access his/her files anywhere, at any time. This ubiquitous availability means that the user can easily access his files, even when he/she is working on a different system. If he/she needs a file on his/her home computter while working on a friend’s computer, or working on a second computer at work, he/she could easily get access to the files that he/she needs to via cloud services.  This is becoming increasingly important, as mobile devices play an increasingly important role in our daily computing. This would allow people to access the files saved on their computers on their mobile devices. Already, most major Cloud services have mobile applications published to provide support for mobile users to gain access to their file.
Another big advantage of the Cloud is that it provides a safe storage place for files that should not be deleted. This is not to say that Clouds are ‘secure’. They can become vulnerable to hacking at times. That Clouds are ‘safe’ means that it is difficult to lose files on the Cloud.  For a person who isn’t a computer Guru, he/she may delete files that he/she needs by mistake. In that case, if the files were located only in his/her desktop, he/she would not be able to recover the important files. However, if the file was stored on the cloud, it would be easier for him/her to recover that file. It is also very difficult to lose files on the Cloud. Cloud services automatically create multiple copies of a file, and save it to servers located on various areas. For the everyday computer user, this is a huge benefit.
Finally, the cloud gives a boost to productivity. The advent of Cloud services mean that people can collaborate in real time. Already, many corporations are beginning to practice this. This eliminates the need for sending emails to see the latest versions of files. All a person would need is a web browser, and he/she would be able to see current state of the document in question, real time. Further, he/she could contribute to the development of the document. The boost in productivity is great. Many previously desktop-only office suites are currently moving towards supporting cloud services along with their desktop clients.

In conclusion, the Cloud is an emerging reality on the computing world. The cloud provides the user with boosted productivity, a safe place to save one’s files, and universal accessibility. Some people are still concerned about the problem of security, and say that information uploaded to the cloud could be exploited by    Hackers. However, the cloud offer so many, great opportunities to the users. Whether one is happy about it or not, the Cloud will continue to grow more important. It is how we utilize it that would determine the exact usage of the future.

3. Good points and Bad points
⊙ Good
–  Clear format : 5 paragraphs, 1 intro, 3 body paragraphs, 1 conclusion
–  Interesting and specific topic
–  Wide use of vocabulary, avoided repetition of a specific vocab
–  Good use of pictures, neat
⊙ Bad
–  Grammatical errors : plural or singular, issues with his/her/one
–  Topic sentence unclear : cannot find one specific thesis that summarizes the major three points made
–  Some ambiguity in content, for instance, the fourth paragraph needed elaboration

☞ Focus on improving upon the bad points

4. How we revised this essay

We collaborated online via Google Docs Collaboration. All four of us were active in the editing process. We were able to edit the document together while sharing our opinions on specific sentences, words, etc. The revising process itself exemplifies the benefit of the Cloud.

4. Revised Copy:

Our Future On the Cloud


 The future of the web lies in the cloud. The Cloud is a type of on-line service in which people can upload files and access them online. Some cloud services allow users to synchronize files with their cloud accounts onto certain folders. More and more people will upload their files into Cloud servers, to collaborate online, to back up critical information, and, of course, to access their files from anywhere, anytime. Such changes have already started.As time goes on, the cloud is becoming more closely integrated with the traditional desktop, as well as mobile devices.  The cloud is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives, as they provide the users with several benefits.

  The Cloud allows a person to access one’s files anywhere, at any time. This ubiquitous availability means that the user can easily access his files, even when one is working on a different system. If one needs a file on his/her home computer while working on a friend’s computer, or working on a second computer at work, one could easily get access to the files that one needs to via cloud services.  This is becoming increasingly important, as mobile devices play an increasingly important role in our daily computer usage. Already, most major Cloud services have mobile applications published to provide support for mobile users to gain access to their files.

   Another big advantage of the Cloud is that it provides a safe storage place for files that should not be deleted. This is not to say that Clouds are ‘secure’. They can become vulnerable to hacking at times. That Clouds are ‘safe’ means that it is difficult to lose files on the Cloud.  For a person who isn’t a computer Guru, one may delete (files that one needs) significant files by mistake. In that case, if the files were located only in his/her desktop, one would not be able to recover the important files. However, if they were stored on the cloud, it would be easier for him/her to recover those files. The cloud is a safe place for one to back up, as cloud services take much care to avoid losing the user’s files. Cloud services automatically create multiple copies of those files, and save them to servers located on various areas. Especially for the everyday computer user, this is a huge benefit.

   Finally, the cloud gives a boost in productivity, especially for businesses. The advent of Cloud services means that people can collaborate in real time. Already, many corporations are beginning to practice this. Corporations are already utilizing cloud services for online collaboration. Cloud services such as Google drive offer document collaboration. People can chat with each other, or leave comments, as they edit the document together online. This eliminates the need for sending emails to each other, and let people far from each other geographically work together conveniently.  All a person would need is a web browser, and one would be able to see current state of the document without any delay. Further, one could contribute to the development of the document. The boost in productivity is tremendous. Many previous desktop-only office suites are currently moving towards supporting cloud services along with their desktop clients.

In conclusion, the Cloud will continue to grow more and more important in our lives. The cloud provides the user with a safe place to save one’s files, increased productivity, and universal accessibility. Some people are still concerned about the problem of security and say that information uploaded to the cloud could be exploited by Hackers. However, the cloud offers so many, great opportunities to the users. Whether one is happy about it or not, the Cloud will continue to grow more important.  How we utilize the cloud will determine the exact usage of the Cloud in the future.


The real deal file is found here, on my google drive

random post #5 – On Being a Linux User in Korea


Korea takes pride in being an ‘IT Powerhouse’. Korea DOES have one of the best internet infrastructures in the World. Korea does have global IT companies, such as Samsung. I, until recently, thought that this was true. Recently, however, ever since switching to Lubuntu from Windows 7, my thoughts began to change. If anyone, the government should be responsible to make their services available for everyone, on every platform. However, the computing environment of Korea is polluted with government-backed monopoly. Web standards, and the Idea of ‘Open’, or ‘Free’ software is something that is forgotten in Korea, much to the sacrifice of Mac and Linux users. Let’s look at some of such monopolies, and which companies are involved in them.

The first company that controls Korea is Microsoft. The web environment created in Korea, backed by the government, is nearly impossible to use on any other platform than Windows. Active X controls are necessary for almost everything. Banking, Government services, etc are only accessible through the use of Active X controls, as well as the security programs that the services require you to install. Also, the means of personal verification on the Korean web, the online ‘certificate’, only works on Windows. This practice causes significant problems. Korea is refusing to comply to web standards. This especially becomes a problem when you are a Linux user. Active x controls, and the required programs cannot be used in Linux. Already, many Korean Linux users are expressing their frustration over the security practices of the Korean Web.

Another corporation that controls the Korean computing world, is Haansoft. Haansoft created the Haansoft word processor, and its own format, hwp. .HWP files are nearly impossible to open on Linux. On Windows, Haansoft offers viewers, as well as supported versions of their word processor. On Mac, and on Linux, however, Haansoft does not provide free viewers. Though they do distribute their word processor on Mac, users need to pay in order to view HWP files. This is even more serious on Linux. Haansoft’s word processor is installable on linux. However, it is no longer supported, and was never meant to be installed on the more popular linux Platforms, such as Debian, Ubuntu, or on modern versions fo Fedora. This means that users have to search for ways to install the Word Processor, even after buying their legitimate copy. In recent versions of Ubuntu, it is very difficult to install the word processor. The biggest problem with the HWP file format is that it is one of the most popular document formats in Korea. In fact, the Korean government offers government papers in HWP format, which makes it impossible for most linux users to view government documents. The frustration of the Linux users about the HWP file format is huge. It is nearly beyond description. Though you can install the windows version of the HWP viewer, or the Word processor via Wine, wine is often unable to process certain large, photo-ridden files. The only viable alternative left to Linux users, then, is to install windows on a virtual PC, which would bring them back to the grasps of Microsoft. Therefore, it becomes nearly impossible to work with the government unless you are working on Windows.

The Korean government is fostering a monopoly. This is a practice that must come to an end. As for compliance with Web standards, it can be taken gradually, but in the end, Korea must discard its own security measures, based on the Windows platform, and move towards SSL, the standard security method that is accepted by all browsers on all platforms. As for the HWP file format, the format should either be bought by the government and turned into the Public Domain, or be discarded along with the Active X controls from government usage. Only then would Korea become a internationally recognized IT powerhouse, and only then, would Korea become a safe place to live as a non-windows user.

Yeah. I am an Ubuntu user. Though I do use LXDE over Unity as my DE.

Random Post #4 -volunteer work with the Food For the Hungry


Recently, I had the chance to go on volunteer work with the Food For the Hungry. We went to the highway station of Hoensung. We collected donations that were to be sent to the starving children of Mozabique. At first, we did not realize how tiring this would become.

For 4 hours, we went around the station, giving out pamphlets and brochures. It was a cold day, and we got tired simply from walking around. To make matters worse, most people ignored us. Some of them consented to recieve the booklets that we were giving out, but not donate. Most people just looked at us as if we were some insect that was bothering them, and went their ways.

However, people who were willing to donate still came to our stand. We felt grateful for each person who came up to us, and donated. Many children donated the coins they had. Some parents told their children to donate, after they had donated themselves. One couple actually gave us tickets for food, saying that we were doing great work, in a very cold day, and that they wanted to help.

In the end, the amount we had collected was not large. However, it was a day well spent. Though we returned tired, we felt truly grateful about the people who had extended their generosity for our cause.

random Post #3 the Great Wall debate


Recently, China and Korea dived into a fierce debate over history, once again. China announced that the the length of their Great Wall may reach 20000kms. That’s about 3 times longer than what China had previously said. Koreans were angered because they saw a part of the ‘great wall’ was upon Liao Dong, where the ancient kingdoms Kogureo and Balhae were based upon. Korea and China has had long historical debate over which country the history of Kogureo and Balhae should lie.

The trouble began to brew when china revealed a new map of  the defensive walls of China. A part of the walls lay in the Liao Dong area. Korean scholars gave an uproar, claiming that China’s new maps included the fortresses built by Kogureo as a part of the ‘Chinese’ walls. Koreans claimed that this was yet another attempt made by the Chinese to integrate the Korean kingdoms of Goguryeo and Balhae into Chinese history.

China, on the other hand, responded that the new maps were simply a new research attempting to locate archaeological sites within the territories of China. Since they had included all the Defensive walls in China. The Chinese character for the great wall happens to be identical to the characters that mean ‘(long) defensive fortifications’, and that is where the misunderstanding stems from. Also, Liao Dong was later captured from Kogureo and Balhae by Chinese dynasties. It may be possible that China built walls in the region after it was captured. Anyhow, the research is one that is still under process, and the findings are far from final.

To summarize, Though the issue is still ongoing, perhaps, it would be more sensible to criticize the arguments of the Chinese, after all of their research results are announced, along with the reasoning behind it. I can identify with the Korean’s strong emotional response to the issue. However, it would be wise to use the time left before China announces its final results, to take a step back, to analyze the problem critically, and prepare for the forthcoming debate with China.